

Parabola is a simple in-memory database with a key-value data model. It is written in Go and was intended to be used as an in-memory cache. It has it's own TCP based communication protocol inspired by Redis.


Coverall is a simple news app with built in trust recognition. It was built as a proof of concept and uses deep learning (LSTMs) to parse the contents of a news article and generate a trust score.


Flickstr was a (failed) startup which I along with a group of college friends started. It is a digital entertainment assistant which helps user track and discover new movies and TV shows. We built our own recommendation system from scratch for content discovery.

Link to the live site


Dotfm is a simple dotfiles manager written in Go. It uses Git as a backend and has a number of helpful features like remote sync, setting up different environments depending upon the machine etc.


Decentralized ride sharing proof of concept built on top of the Ethereum Blockchain.